Breastfeeding, sleep and settling, early parenting

At Zen Bub, we understand that breastfeeding and parenting is a tough gig. And we believe it is much more enjoyable if played as a team sport! Our aim is to support you to achieve your breastfeeding or sleep goals so you can live your best parenting life!

We’re passionate about helping mums feel empowered in their skills, knowledge and parenting choices. We apply the latest evidence based research to our individually crafted holistic care plans which aim to complement your own parenting expertise.

We offer a range of services and can provide bespoke packages on request. Consultations are offered in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Standard COVID risk precautions and appropriate health PPE will be offered at your appointment.

We are located in Bangalow, within the Byron hinterland and hope to reach as many families across the northern rivers, north coast of NSW, and southern Gold Coast areas as possible. We are happy to travel to areas further afield such as Brisbane and Gold Coast metro areas and beyond, however this may incur a reasonable travel fee. Please ask us if you are unsure. Virtual consults can also be arranged on request.


Breastfeeding support in the comfort and convenience of your own home at times that suit you and your baby.

1.5 hours in-home consult (or virtual) including 2 week follow up period. Personalised care plan and follow up resources emailed post consult.

If you are experiencing any of the following issues (but not limited to) then this package is for you.

Pinched, sore or cracked nipples
Painful breastfeeding or latching
Flat or inverted nipples
Not enough milk?
Oversupply and plugged ducts
Nipple or breast thrush
Raynauds or vasospasm
Relactation, induced lactation or weaning
Tongue tie assessment, referral and management
Slow to weight gain baby or unsettled baby
Infant reflux, colic or suspected food intolerances in baby
Feeding twins, multiples or premature babies

Our IBCLC is a member of the Australian professional peak body LCANZ and is regularly involved in ongoing professional development.

Private health fund rebates available – enquire with your health fund.

Sleep and settling

We can help you sharpen your sleep tools (and also offload a few other good ones) for your tool box.

3 hours in-home consult (or virtual) inclusive of 2 weeks follow up support. Personalised care plan and resources emailed post session.

We can help with:

Learning to easily settle your baby
Night wakings
Increase length of night sleep
Catnapping; short day sleeps
Linking sleep cycles
Establishing daily routines
Fussy, irritable babies
Sleep associations / habits eg breastfeeding to sleep
Moving towards independent sleep
Establishing healthy sleep habits + age appropriate napping patterns
Toddler sleep; moving from cot to bed, frequent night wakings
Dummy use / weaning
Anticipatory guidance and advice

Early parenting

6 x 1 hour sessions to support you and your baby through the early parenting adjustment period. Visits can be individually tailored for your own family's needs or goals.

We can help with:

Postnatal support
Learn about breast and bottle feeding, parents as baby's first teachers
Understand infant behaviour and development and it's role in sleep
Learn to identify your baby's cues and unique communication signs
Tips and tricks for managing 'witching hours', colic and unsettled babies
Establish age appropriate sleep and napping
Get set up with daily routines that work!

Short articles and resources